TellTale: Trans Spites

November 14, 2024 | 7:30pm to 9:30pm
Get Your Tickets
Hey, champ! Thanks for checking out Telltale: Trans Spites. We are a monthly curated storytelling event for people that like to get vulnerable and take no shit. We are keen on connection, laughter, heartbreak, poignant moments, and community building. 
We are now in our 8th season!
At Telltale, you can expect about 8-10 performers telling you a story, through a mix of comedy, stories, music, essays, and more. Your evening will likely include honesty, curse words, enthusiasm, dark humor, connection....and sometimes something unexpected. So please come and remind yourself that the world is bigger than we think it is and that you're never alone. We are specifically focused on stories from people that can get vulnerable but also take no shit, fierce folks that know how to fight the good fight but also like naps and staying home most nights. 
This month’s show is brought to you by a enthusiastic collaboration between Telltale and Ally J Ward, and together, we are going to bring you a line up full of the most charming, hilarious, fashionable and amazing trans folks we know, who are going to tell you all about how they are living their best lives in spite of everyone trying to stop them. 
This theme--Trans Spites--is because this country is really tripling down on trying to ruin the wellbeing of some folks who deserve to live long, rich, beautiful lives doing whatever the hell they want. Come listen to some delightful people give you a little glimpse into their lives, which is a  generous thing to do. You aren't going to miss this, right? This one is important. 
This month’s show is extra special,  because the proceeds from the evening will go to our good friend Mx. Dahlia Belle! So snag your tickets now to help us support the our darling Dahlia. 
Also, we have no room for any oppressive garbage. Don't even try, pal. 
I think that covers it. I'll see you there. I think you’re cool and the event will be better with you there. This community is better with you being part of it.